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Item category that includes


Name Health (dmg) Damage (range) Range (bullet) Ammo type (ammo) Ammo capacity (reload) Reload (accuracy) Accuracy (scatter) Scatter (condition) Condition (effect) Special effect (weight) Weight (kg) (price) Price
Min Max Crit.
Combat AR (Enigma) 80 15 15 150% 5 Piercing infinite none 20% 4.0° ?? none 1.00 1000
Industrial AR (saw blade bat) 60 16 20 140% 1 Blunt melee none 25% 0.0° ?? none 1.00 1000


Name Health (dmg) Damage (range) Range (bullet) Ammo type (ammo) Ammo capacity (reload) Reload (accuracy) Accuracy (scatter) Scatter (condition) Condition Ammo per shot (weight) Weight (kg) (price) Price
Min Max Crit.
MG-359 80 18 20 150% 6 Piercing 7.92 infinite 1 AP 5% 7.0° ?? 5 10.00 Market dependent
EMG-764 80 16 18 160% 7 Beam Batteries infinite 1 AP 35% 7.0° ?? 1 10.00 Market dependent

Robots with Tifton Perk:

Name Health (dmg) Damage (range) Range (bullet) Ammo type (ammo) Ammo capacity (reload) Reload (accuracy) Accuracy (scatter) Scatter (condition) Condition (effect) Special effect (weight) Weight (kg) (price) Price
Min Max Crit.
Combat AR (Enigma) 140 20 20 150% 5 Piercing infinite none 20% 4.0° ?? none 1.00 1000
Industrial AR (saw blade bat) 120 21 26 140% 1 Blunt melee none 25% 0.0° ?? none 1.00 1000

Turrets with Tifton Perk:

Name Health (dmg) Damage (range) Range (bullet) Ammo type (ammo) Ammo capacity (reload) Reload (accuracy) Accuracy (scatter) Scatter (condition) Condition Ammo per shot (weight) Weight (kg) (price) Price
Min Max Crit.
MG-359 140 24 26 150% 6 Piercing 7.92 infinite 1 AP 5% 7.0° ?? 5 10.00 Market dependent
EMG-764 80 21 23 160% 7 Beam Batteries infinite 1 AP 35% 7.0° ?? 1 10.00 Market dependent

TO DO: missing Flamethrower turret, missing SBN robot, maybe move it to Weapons as a Category also completly overlapps with "Turrets and Robots" Page

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