Frequently Asked Questions
Trade break
If your reputation with a faction drops below zero, all your accumulated barter points with that faction will be lost.
Special conditions in the game include eating, moving, or taking an action. Actions in this case include: rearranging items in your inventory, reloading and throwing weapons and grenades, interacting with interactive objects, and activating pact abilities.
Weapon and Character Range
If the target is outside the weapon's range, its properties will not work, and the damage dealt will be reduced for each tile beyond the optimal range. Character range is the range of vision.
Equipment and Repairs
Weapons and armor wear out over time. If equipment is repaired using spare parts instead of appropriate repair kits, then with each repair, their maximum durability will decrease. Because of this, weapons and armor may become completely unusable.
Shift and Ctrl in inventory
Moving an item while holding Shift will move all items of that type. If you left-click on an item while holding Ctrl, it will be moved to/from the inventory.
Amputations are the most severe type of injury. They cannot be cured, only stabilized, temporarily removing the damage received, but not the negative effects. Some parts of the body are connected to each other: the thigh and foot, the shoulder and arm. When the upper body is amputated, the lower, adjacent part is also amputated. Vital parts of the body are the head, chest, body, and stomach. Their amputation leads to instant death.
Where are quasimorphs?
At the start of the game, there are no quasimorphs on Earth, its artificial satellite Tsiolkovsky, as well as on Mars, Phobos and Deimos. In mission types such as Defense, Control, Security quasimorphosis and eccollaps are absent.
Breaking walls
All walls can be broken if enough damage is inflicted.
Any liquids (water, blood, fuel, poison) can leave behind puddles. If the new puddle is larger or the same size as the old one, the new one will replace the old one. Spilled fuel can catch fire. Puddles of poison are considered dangerous tiles and dry out over time. If any item other than quest ones or pacts ends up in the poison puddle, it will be destroyed.
Items and Fire
If a floor tile with raw meat catches fire, the meat will become fried. Any other items, except quest items and pacts, will be destroyed.
Deleting Modification Projects
If you reduce all the stats of equipment upgrade projects to base values, then after finishing work on the project, the stats of all equipment already produced under this project will also be reduced to base values, and the project itself will be deleted, thus freeing up the slot.
A station resource responsible for its efficiency. With high/low population, the station produces goods faster/slower. Population grows over time if the necessary resources are available, but can be changed based on the results of a completed mission.