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This template defines the table "Ship_Upgrades". View table.

Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:TechInfobox/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)


This template is used to show a ship upgrade infobox.


 |image         = Inv {{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}.png <!-- default name unless symbol is need to be added manually -->
 |Subtitle      = 
 |InternalName  = 
 |Module        = 
 |Department    =
 |Tech_ID       = <!-- for easier table shorting -->
 |Effect        = <!-- upgrade properties -->
 |UnlockItem    = 
 |TechPrev      = 
 |TechNext      = 


 |name          = Monitoring
 |image         = Inv {{lc:monitoring}}.png
 |Subtitle      = Analytics Center
 |InternalName  = news_department
 |Module        = Navigation
 |Department    = 
 |Tech_ID       = 000001
 |Effect        = When activated, creates an additional random mission in the current system<br>{{TextColor|Can store 1 charge<br>Cooldown 30 hrs|gold}}
 |UnlockItem    = {{II|Communication Module}}
 |TechPrev      = N/A
 |TechNext      = Battery Array<br>or<br>Modern Processors