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Factions and Missions

The strength of a faction is determined by two parameters: Power and Technology. Power affects the number of enemies and the loot on a mission. Technology determines the equipment available to factions, which they can use or sell. These parameters grow over time depending on the stations in the faction's possession, but they are also affected by completed missions. Sabotage reduces the station owner's Power and Technology. Espionage reduces the station owner's Technology. Elimination reduces the victim's Power, but if the target was a scientist then Technology. Capture will change the owner of the station, and Defense, on the contrary, will prevent this change. If a faction has not fully paid out the reward for a mission it will accumulate a debt that can be used in the next barter. Factions and their characteristics can be viewed in the first tab of the Stock Exchange.

Mission Types


  • Goal: Kill a specific enemy on the station
  • Effect: Reduces the station power and the power of the station owner. If the target was a scientist then tech instead.


  • Goal: Destroy cargo or communication devices on the station.
  • Effect: Reduces the station power and tech . Respectively reduces and raises the power of station owner and the mission benefactor.


  • Goal: Steal a prototype or pcpu
  • Effect: Reduces the station tech. Respectively reduces and raises the power and tech of station owner and the mission beneficiary.


  • Goal: Kill 50% of all enemies for each floor of the station.
  • Effect: Changes control of the station to the beneficiary of the contract.


  • Goal: Survive for a specified number of turns and kill all enemies on the station.
  • Effect: Maintains control of the station and raises power and tech level for the current owner.