Solar System

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In front of you, there is a map of the Solar System. Here you can see which missions are available in different areas and how much time it will take to travel from one point to another. Right now, to deliver the PCPU with quasimorphic research to AnCom, we need to go to Mars.
~ Frank

Inner System


In the 2150s, terraforming equipment was delivered to Mercury. The surface temperature is still far from adequate for humans. However, automatic stations can operate on the surface. The inhabitants of Mercury are robots. It is reported that humans can work in tunnels beneath the surface and inside mountain ranges. Some corporations are rumored to already have such colonies.

Quasimorphic status: Due to the weak presence of humans, Shartamakhum is almost inactive.


Two heavy interplanetary ships joined together by a improvised structure. They carry three stations that are changing hands. Volcano orbits Mercury at high altitude.


Citadel-1 is an artificial satellite[1] of Mercury. The satellite was created from an asteroid[2]. The asteroid was brought onto its current trajectory by some cubecentric engines mounted on it. The mass of the asteroid works as "stiffener" of the ring-shaped residential structure. Four of the five Citadel-1 stations are located in this structure. Gamma Hydra 4 is located inside the asteroid itself.


The planet was intensively terraformed at the end of the 21st century. All the power of a few wealthy corporations was directed towards this task. Bombardment with ice chunks, contamination of the soil with GMO bacteria[3], sowing of GMO seeds[4], and then colonization of GMO animals[5] (mostly insects and spiders) were undertaken. Venus has been terraformed for 70 years. Moreover, people almost did not control the second stage of the process. The upper layers of the planet's atmosphere became a toxic hotbed (with the surface completely habitable) under which the jungle grew. Poisonous swamps still encircle the planet at the equator but otherwise, it is the most habitable after the Earth.

Quasimorphic status: the mass construction of cities under geodesic domes (geodesics)[6] led to the awakening of Gannix and the widespread phasing of its elements on the surface of the planet. Quasimorphic activity here is extremely high, so all studies of this phenomenon here gave particularly effective results. Now the Quasimorphs of Gannix are full-fledged participants in the struggle for the Solar System, which is strictly hidden by the Hexarchy.


Once, the USSR[7] launched a tiny artificial planet[8] called Mechta towards the Sun[9]. About a hundred years ago, Venus attracted the Mechta, and it became its artificial satellite[1]. During the time of Venus' terraforming, Mechta became a convenient point for mounting structures and a loading terminal for planetary shuttles. Corporations threw garbage next to the Mechta. They attached constructions to it that could be useful later and forgot about them forever. As a result, Mechta became a huge improvised engineering art object. Its appearance was a surprise to everyone in the System. The size of the artificial satellite is so large that over time, its area has been put to good use by placing stations on it. The Venusian bramfatura influences Mechta; all stations here are subject to quasimorphosis.


HAVOC - High Altitude Venusian Orbital City. This is an extremely successful project of the Dilthey corporation. An asteroid[2] caught beyond the orbit of Neptune[10] was delivered to the orbit of Venus. The asteroid served as the frame for Arcology, a city with a closed ecological system designed by Italian philosopher-architect Paolo Soleri[11]. The Blade at the Ready training station is located outside Arcology, under the surface of the asteroid.


Earth is the ecological and agrarian paradise of humanity. According to the information from the SBN, the Earth is inhabited by 4 billion people. After the construction of New Seattle on the Moon and Intercity on Mars, the interdict mode stands on the planet.

Interdict mode: Only those market agents who are employees of corporations that have property on Earth or market agents that own such property have permission to visit the Earth.


A large artificial Earth satellite[1] in its low orbit[12]. Tsiolkovsky consists of a solid central structure, an automatic orbital maintenance system, and five stations located in different places in the structure. It was assumed that Tsiolkovsky would be a hub, a gateway to Earth. At the same time, it's supposed to be connected to the surface by a space elevator. So far, these plans have not been destined to come true, since no corporation has the resources for such an ambitious project.


A satellite [13] of the Earth, on which it is possible to extract helium-3[14] with high efficiency and produce quantum liquid H-3 from it. This is the fuel for cubecentric engines (the main engine type for spacecrafts). On the Moon, there is a huge pressurized city of New Seattle, which houses the headquarters and other buildings of a huge number of corporations. In New Seattle, there is the "Source" building, which houses servers that maintain the up-to-date text of the NCE and other related documents.

Quasimorphic status: Duggur is a dark and poorly studied Bramfatura. Quasimorphs on the Moon rarely attack New Seattle for some reason. However, there are rumors that the city is filled with secret cults, communities and circles. People do not understand what they believe in and whom they obey. There are rumors among PMCs that the Quasimorphs of Duggur are waiting for the right moment to rebel.


An artificial satellite [1] of the Moon. It orbits in a geostationary orbit and is constantly positioned over the Sea of Rains (Mare Imbrium)[15]. The satellite is named after Richard Buckminster Fuller[16], an outstanding architect, designer, engineer, inventor, philosopher, mathematician, writer, poet, and, most importantly, a hopeless utopian whose ideas had no chance of realization under the yoke of states. The liberation bestowed upon people by the Great Anarchist Revolution made the implementation of many of Fuller's ideas possible. This artificial satellite consists of five modules-stations interconnected by engineering structures and is a living embodiment of the dreams of an extraordinary individual.


Mars was supposed to be terraformed first. However, Venus turned out to be more Earth-like than it was. Decisive aspect: mass. Any atmosphere from Mars is very quickly blown away by the solar wind[17]. Terraforming equipment operates at maximum capacity, but all that humans manage to do is maintain the state of a cold desert, with GMO tundra islands growing closer to the equator. An acceptable level of oxygen and the ability to live without spacesuits makes people explore Mars. Separate bases of individual corporations are scattered all over the surface, reminiscent of the "boomtowns" of the Wild West. The only major city on the planet is Intercity. It was built even before the Great Anarchist Revolution, by the efforts of the richest states. The city was badly damaged during the GAR and was never fully restored. Intercity is a cold slum, over which individual corporate buildings rise like beacons in a world of poverty.

Quasimorphic status: For some unknown reason, there is no Quasimorphosis on Mars. Analysts note an anomalous number of missing people.


The political situation on Phobos and Deimos is the same as on Mars but there is no atmosphere. Separate corporation bases are easy to hide. Due to this circumstance, there are even more research stations, secret warehouses, secret locations of PMCs than mining complexes.


The political situation on Phobos and Deimos is the same as on Mars but there is no atmosphere. Separate corporation bases are easy to hide. Due to this circumstance, there are even more research stations, secret warehouses, secret locations of PMCs than mining complexes.

Outer System


The largest planet in the solar system, the fifth in distance from the sun. Along with Saturn, Jupiter is classified as a gas giant. The planet has been known to people since ancient times, which is reflected in the mythology and religious beliefs of various cultures: Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Greek and others. The modern name of Jupiter comes from the name of the ancient Roman supreme god of thunder.


A moon of Jupiter, the closest of the four Galilean moons to the planet. Named in honor of the mythological Io - the priestess of Hera and the beloved of Zeus. It has a diameter of 3642 km, which makes it the fourth largest satellite in the solar system.


The sixth-most distant moon of Jupiter, the smallest of the four Galilean moons. Discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and probably by Simon Marius at the same time. Over the centuries, more and more comprehensive observations were made of Europe with the help of telescopes, and, starting from the seventies of the twentieth century, by spacecraft flying near.


One of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter, the seventh in distance from it among all its satellites and the largest satellite in the solar system. Its diameter is 5268 kilometers, which is 2% larger than that of Titan (the second largest satellite in the solar system) and 8% larger than that of Mercury.


The second largest satellite of Jupiter (after Ganymede), one of the four Galilean satellites and the most distant among them from the planet. It is the third largest moon in the solar system after Ganymede and Titan.


The sixth planet in terms of distance from the Sun and the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Saturn is classified as a gas giant planet. Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture.


Satellite of Saturn, discovered September 17, 1789 by William Herschel. Named after Mimas, one of the titans of Greek mythology. Also referred to as Saturn I. With a diameter of 396 kilometers, it is the twentieth largest satellite in the solar system, as well as the smallest known cosmic body that has a rounded shape due to its own gravity.


The sixth largest satellite of Saturn and the fourteenth farthest from it among the 82 known satellites. Referred to as Saturn II. It is the seventeenth largest satellite in the solar system. It was discovered in 1789 by William Herschel, but remained little studied until the early 1980s, when two Voyager interplanetary probes approached it.


The fifth largest and most massive moon of Saturn and the fifteenth largest from the planet. This is a medium-sized satellite, its diameter is about 1060 km. Tethys was discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1684 and was named after one of the Titanides of Greek mythology. The apparent magnitude of Tethys is 10.2.


The fourth largest satellite of Saturn and the fourth farthest from the planet among the seven largest satellites of the latter. It is the fifteenth largest and largest satellite in the solar system.














  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Satellite Wikipedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Asteroid Wikipedia.
  3. Genetically modified bacteria Wikipedia.
  4. Genetically modified crops Wikipedia.
  5. Genetically modified animal Wikipedia.
  6. Geodesic dome Wikipedia.
  7. Soviet Union Wikipedia.
  8. Mechta Wikipedia.
  9. Sun Wikipedia.
  10. Kuiper belt Wikipedia.
  11. Paolo Soleri Wikipedia.
  12. Low Earth orbit Wikipedia.
  13. Natural satellite Wikipedia.
  14. Helium-3 Wikipedia.
  15. Mare Imbrium Wikipedia.
  16. Richard Buckminster Fuller Wikipedia.
  17. Solar wind Wikipedia.