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Mercury is the first planet from the Sun and the smallest in the Solar System. In English, it is named after the Roman god Mercurius (Mercury), god of commerce and communication, and the messenger of the gods. Mercury is classified as a terrestrial planet, with roughly the same surface gravity as Mars.


In the 2150s, terraforming equipment was delivered to Mercury. The surface temperature is still far from adequate for humans. However, automatic stations can operate on the surface. The inhabitants of Mercury are robots. It is reported that humans can work in tunnels beneath the surface and inside mountain ranges. Some corporations are rumored to already have such colonies.

Quasimorphic status

Due to the weak presence of humans, Shartamakhum is almost inactive.


Flat Obsidian (FLO)

Type: Field Camp

Secret laboratory of the Fresco corporation, where research on quasimorphosis was conducted. Dr. Eipschwitz assembled the Telephaturic Dislocator here, a device that allows access to planetary bramfaturas. Now, Flat Obsidian can be used as a convenient transit base on the surface of Mercury if you are not afraid of the phased temple located beneath it.

Rachmaninov-Energia (REN)

Type: Orbital Factory

After Earth was transformed into an ecological paradise, almost all production was moved into orbit. Over time, the practice of building orbital factories proved to be highly profitable. Rachmaninov-Energia is one of many orbital factories. Its uniqueness lies in its utilization of solar energy. Enormous solar panels and a system of mirrors give the factory the appearance of a surrealistic tree. Whoever controls this factory holds a significant share of production in the inner System.

Discovery RG (DRG)

Type: Research Center

Discovery RG is a research center. It conducts studies of the photospehere[1] and surface changes on Mercury. One of the laboratories in the center is equipped for studying specific phenomena found in the Solar System.

Caloris Planitia (CPL)

Type: Extraction Station

The terraforming of Mercury is still ongoing. Experts say that it will never be possible to create completely hospitable conditions here. Therefore, many colonies operate in automatic mode. Of course, it is very convenient for extraction stations. Although there are often residential zones here, in case personnel are needed for repairs or direct actions to protect private property.

Goethe-1 (GTE)

Type: Training Center

Orbital stations[2] sometimes have the most unimaginable purposes. Goethe-1 is a military academy and testing ground. Here, you can purchase training courses in tactics, strategy, and field support of combat operations. The personnel take pride in the fact that many corporate security service leaders have undergone training here.

Boethius (BTS)

Type: Network Center

The streams of information circulating in the Solar System are exabytes of storms passing by the planets. Network centers are located everywhere to process and route data. Boethius is one such center. The station facilitates data exchange in the central part of the inner System.

  • Manufactures: -
  • Consumes: Quasimorphic Data, Management Unit, Specialist Rosters, Darknet Unit, Employee ID
  • Accepted items: Mining Workwear, Work Clothes, Weapons Case, Electrical Parts, AI Module, Communication Module, Quasimorphosis Sensor, Geoscanner, Cloning Control System, Chemical Processor, Hydraulic Pump, Recreational AR, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Mammoth Terminal (MTL)

Type: Spaceport

Mammoth Terminal is a spaceport for cargo shuttles and interplanetary ships. Mammoth is a typical spaceport for the inner System. It provides charging, refueling, and regular maintenance services. Due to Mercury's mass, even heavy interplanetary ships can land here.

  • Manufactures: Acid, Water Container, Wetware Tank, Thermal Container
  • Consumes: Hydraulic Pump, Work Clothes, Welding Machine, Industrial AR
  • Accepted items: Regular Clothes, Work Clothes, AI Module, Research Station, Research Dump Disk, Prototype Blueprint, Load Of Gold Bars, GunBang Magazine, Medical Components, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip


  1. Photosphere Wikipedia.
  2. Space station Wikipedia.