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Its level increases due to the influence of subtle entities residing in the bramfatura of the Solar System's planets. These entities are called quasimorphs. At low quasimorphosis levels, enemies behave passively, but as it increases, they become more aggressive. At maximum values, a breakthrough occurs between the subtle and physical realms, granting demons the ability to manifest. Manifested demons always spend their first turn phasing, during which they exist between two realities and are invulnerable to weapons, but they also cannot attack the player's character.


The phenomenon in which a creature is torn from the inside and a Quasimorph appears in its place is called an ecolapse. On the first turn the newly appeared Quasimorph is invulnerable, it phases between our and their realities. At this moment, it makes no sense to fire at it, it's better to take a tactically more advantageous position.

Where are Quasimorphs

The presence of quasimorphs is indicated in the description of the planets. The satellites of the planets are also influenced by the bramfaturas of the respective planets. The exception is the Moon which has its own bramfatura and affects the celestial bodies nearby. At the beginning of the game there are no quasimorphs on Earth and its artificial satellite Tsiolkovsky, as well as on Mars, Phobos, and Deimos. There are no quasimorphosis or ecolapse on Defense missions.