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Tsiolkovsky is a large artificial Earth satellite[1] in its low orbit[2].


Tsiolkovsky consists of a solid central structure, an automatic orbital maintenance system, and five stations located in different places in the structure. It was assumed that Tsiolkovsky would be a hub, a gateway to Earth. At the same time, it's supposed to be connected to the surface by a space elevator. So far, these plans have not been destined to come true, since no corporation has the resources for such an ambitious project.


Van de Graaff (VAN)

Type: Observatory

This is the astronomical research center on the external side of Tsiolkovsky. Powerful telescopes and radar dishes are aimed at deep space here. There are rumors that, under the guise of a research center, the owners of the asset always organize an intelligence base here.

Chick-Chick/Moo-Moo (CMK)

Type: Food Factory

A colossal automatic factory for the production of synthetic food proteins and the cultivation of plant food. Everything that grows here, from cockroaches to artificial cow livers, is used as food for the inhabitants of the System. Without Chick-Chick/Moo-Moo, extraterrestrial colonies would starve to death.

  • Manufactures: Food Container, Military Rations, Luxury Lunches, Alcohol Package
  • Consumes: Water Container, Wetware Tank, Thermal Container, Acid
  • Accepted items: Regular Clothes, Work Clothes, AI Module, Research Station, Research Dump Disk, Prototype Blueprint, Load Of Gold Bars, GunBang Magazine, Medical Components, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Landscrona Center (LND)

Type: Business Center

This is the business center housing, corporate offices that provide communication with the Earth. One might say that these are corporate embassies, but the Hexarchy has declared such language offensive due to the comparison of corporations with the old-fashioned states.

  • Manufactures: -
  • Consumes: Food Container, Quasimorphic Data, Management Unit, Specialist Rosters
  • Accepted items: Luxury Lunches, Alcohol Package, Regular Clothes, Mining Workwear, Work Clothes, Laboratory Clothes, Guardsmen Clothing, Weapons Case, Armor Case, Toolbox, Geoscanner, Welding Machine, Chemical Processor, Quasimorphic Data, Banewind Game, Load Of Gold Bars, Basic Item Chip Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip


Type: Military Factory

CoDT or Center of Defense Technologies is a large specialized factory, a rarity in the System. Typically, factories can be easily re-configured to produce any product. However, the CoDT works with one goal. This goal is to produce as many weapons as possible. For defensive purposes, of course.

  • Manufactures: Weapons Case, Armor Case, GunBang Magazine, Dataminer, Combat AR
  • Consumes: Military Parts, Explosives, Toolbox, Memory Records, Communication Module, Printed Circuit Board, Lamp
  • Accepted items: Military Rations, Communication Module, Drill, Construction Drone, Memory Records, Banewind Game, Recreational AR, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip


Type: Training Ground

This is the Zero Gravity Training Center. Experienced teaching staff will train your personnel for extravehicular work for a reasonable fee.

  • Manufactures: -
  • Consumes: Weapons Case, Armor Case, Military Rations
  • Accepted items: Military Rations, Communication Module, Drill, Construction Drone, Memory Records, Banewind Game, Recreational AR, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip


  1. Satellite Wikipedia.
  2. Low Earth orbit Wikipedia.