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HAVOC is an artificial satellite[1] of Venus.


HAVOC - High Altitude Venusian Orbital City. This is an extremely successful project of the Dilthey corporation. An asteroid[2] caught beyond the orbit of Neptune[3] was delivered to the orbit of Venus. The asteroid served as the frame for Arcology, a city with a closed ecological system designed by Italian philosopher-architect Paolo Soleri[4]. The Blade at the Ready training station is located outside Arcology, under the surface of the asteroid.


Edge-6 (EDG)

Type: Business Center

Business center above Venus as told commercial. There are greenhouses, rich restaurants, observation decks. The life of the upper class was in full swing here until the Tezctlan invasion began.

  • Manufactures: -
  • Consumes: Food Container, Darknet Unit, Employee ID, Ledger
  • Accepted items: Mining Workwear, Work Clothes, Weapons Case, Electrical Parts, AI Module, Communication Module, Quasimorphosis Sensor, Geoscanner, Cloning Control System, Chemical Processor, Hydraulic Pump, Recreational AR, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Blade at the Ready (BLA)

Type: Training Ground

This is a flexible space organized to accommodate security personnel. There are gyms, lecture rooms, and a living area. Corporation that owns the Blade always has at his disposal a reserve of fresh and motivated security specialists. Training ground got its name in honor of the Eclipse Blades PMC. They defended asteroid from contractors of an unknown corporation that wanted to stop the HAVOC project.

  • Manufactures: Dataminer
  • Consumes: Military Rations, Combat AR, Military Unit, Guardsmen Clothing
  • Accepted items: Luxury Lunches, Alcohol Package, Regular Clothes, Mining Workwear, Work Clothes, Laboratory Clothes, Guardsmen Clothing, Weapons Case, Armor Case, Toolbox, Geoscanner, Welding Machine, Chemical Processor, Quasimorphic Data, Banewind Game, Load Of Gold Bars, Basic Item Chip Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Sampo Quern (SAM)

Type: Factory

This is the specialized plant for the production of robots and equipment for them.

  • Manufactures: Food Container, Military Rations, Luxury Lunches, Alcohol Package
  • Consumes: Water Container, Wetware Tank, Thermal Container, Acid
  • Accepted items: Regular Clothes, Work Clothes, AI Module, Research Station, Research Dump Disk, Prototype Blueprint, Load Of Gold Bars, GunBang Magazine, Medical Components, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Venus-2 (VEN)

Type: Colony

This is a residential colony on HAVOC. It is the main source of labor in the Venusian habitable cluster.

  • Manufactures: Acid, Thermal Container, Wetware Tank
  • Consumes: Industrial AR, Welding Machine
  • Accepted items: Regular Clothes, Work Clothes, AI Module, Research Station, Research Dump Disk, Prototype Blueprint, Load Of Gold Bars, GunBang Magazine, Medical Components, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Promised Land (PRO)

Type: Hydroponic Farm

This is hydroponic farm for growing natural food crops. There are hectares of earth-type arable land covered by a geodesic dome[5].

  • Manufactures: Acid, Water Container, Wetware Tank, Thermal Container
  • Consumes: Hydraulic Pump, Work Clothes, Welding Machine
  • Accepted items: Regular Clothes, Work Clothes, AI Module, Research Station, Research Dump Disk, Prototype Blueprint, Load Of Gold Bars, GunBang Magazine, Medical Components, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip


  1. Satellite Wikipedia.
  2. Asteroid Wikipedia.
  3. Kuiper belt Wikipedia.
  4. Paolo Soleri Wikipedia.
  5. Geodesic dome Wikipedia.