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The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite[1]. It orbits at an average distance of 384,400 km (238,900 mi), about 30 times the diameter of Earth.


A satellite of the Earth, on which it is possible to extract helium-3[2] with high efficiency and produce quantum liquid H-3 from it. This is the fuel for cubecentric engines (the main engine type for spacecrafts). On the Moon, there is a huge pressurized city of New Seattle, which houses the headquarters and other buildings of a huge number of corporations. In New Seattle, there is the "Source" building, which houses servers that maintain the up-to-date text of the NCE and other related documents.

Quasimorphic status

Duggur is a dark and poorly studied Bramfatura. Quasimorphs on the Moon rarely attack New Seattle for some reason. However, there are rumors that the city is filled with secret cults, communities and circles. People do not understand what they believe in and whom they obey. There are rumors among PMCs that the Quasimorphs of Duggur are waiting for the right moment to rebel.



Type: Orbital City

MTZ is a real city in a stationary lunar orbit. The convenience and comfort of the modules make their rental highly attractive, resulting in extremely high income for their owner.

  • Manufactures: Drill, Construction Drone, Welding Machine, Industrial AR
  • Consumes: Industrial Spare Parts, Explosives, AI Module, Toolbox, Lens, Electrical Parts, Printed Circuit Board, Robot Parts
  • Accepted items: Helper, Food Container, Electrical Parts, Quasimorphosis Sensor, Management Unit, Darknet Unit, Military Unit, Drugs Package, GunBang Magazine, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Qi Helium-3 (QHE)

Type: Processing Plant

The main fuel in the Solar System is quantum liquid H-3. Qi Helium-3 is the largest station for processing Helium-3[2] into quantum liquid. Within the inner System, this plant is the only stable source of this fuel.

AnCap Dogma (ANC)

Type: Orbital Port

The Moon is a convenient launching pad for flights into the outer System. The AnCap Dogma Harbor is a large refueling and repair orbital port. Stopping here can help avoid the need to linger in orbit around Mars on the way to the Asteroid Belt[3] and beyond.

Moon TC (MTC)

Type: Business Center

Moon TC is the tallest skyscraper in New Seattle. It is a residential and working complex. Renting here can bring incredible profits to the owner. This is why owning MTC is the subject of a real trade war. And often not just a trade war.

Candle Building (CBL)

Type: Business Center

The second-largest building on the Moon. Candle Arcology is a glossy black building resembling a candle. When the Sun rises above New Seattle, bright sparks of gleams play on its surface. The building is intended to symbolize the wealth and professionalism of the RealWare corporation.

  • Manufactures: -
  • Consumes: Quasimorphic Data, Management Unit, Specialist Rosters, Darknet Unit, Employee ID, Ledger, Drug Package
  • Accepted items: Mining Workwear, Work Clothes, Weapons Case, Electrical Parts, AI Module, Communication Module, Quasimorphosis Sensor, Geoscanner, Cloning Control System, Chemical Processor, Hydraulic Pump, Recreational AR, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Alliance Arcology (AAR)

Type: Business Center

The third-largest building on the Moon. Alliance Arcology is a city within a city. It has business levels, residential levels, and even production levels. The daily income from owning the arcology is difficult to estimate.

  • Manufactures: Quasimorphosis Sensor
  • Consumes: Quasimorphic Data, Management Unit, Specialist Rosters, Darknet Unit, Employee ID, Ledger, Capacitor, Electrical Parts
  • Accepted items: Mining Workwear, Work Clothes, Weapons Case, Electrical Parts, AI Module, Communication Module, Quasimorphosis Sensor, Geoscanner, Cloning Control System, Chemical Processor, Hydraulic Pump, Recreational AR, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Tycho Terminal (TTE)

Type: Spaceport

Tycho Terminal is the main spaceport on the surface of the Moon. Interplanetary ships rarely land here since AnCap Dogma Harbor is quite nearby. However, it serves as a constant landing and takeoff point for transport shuttles.

  • Manufactures: Regular Clothes, Drug Package, Thermal Container
  • Consumes: Long Blade, Wetware Tank
  • Accepted items: Military Rations, Communication Module, Drill, Construction Drone, Memory Records, Banewind Game, Recreational AR, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip


  1. Natural satellite Wikipedia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Helium-3 Wikipedia.
  3. Asteroid belt Wikipedia.