Volcano (Satellite)

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Volcano is an artificial satellite[1] of Mercury.


Two heavy interplanetary ships joined together by a improvised structure. They carry three stations that are changing hands. Volcano orbits Mercury at high altitude.


Rhino-4 (RHN)

Type: Refueling Terminal

A refueling station for cubecentric engine ships that have business near the Sun.

Kizzuwatna (KIZ)

Type: Colony

A colony located in one of the spacecrafts that form Volcano. A pile of dark slums in the womb of a partially-disassembled HIS. People from here will take any job, so corporations on Mercury have no shortage of cheap labor resources.

  • Manufactures: Acid, Thermal Container, Wetware Tank, Water Container
  • Consumes: Industrial AR, Hydraulic Pump
  • Accepted items: Regular Clothes, Work Clothes, AI Module, Research Station, Research Dump Disk, Prototype Blueprint, Load Of Gold Bars, GunBang Magazine, Medical Components, Basic Item Chip, Common Item Chip, High-Tech Item Chip, Mind Chip, Class Chip

Lomonosov (LMN)

Type: Laboratory

A research laboratory that carefully isolated from Kizzuwatna. Here, the photosphere of the Sun, the phenomenon of magnetism and other fundamental physical phenomena are studied at the forefront of science.


  1. Satellite Wikipedia.