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Since we conduct illegal activities, trade transactions between corporations and participants in the dignitas market are not available to us. But given our influence on the solar system, corporations are ready to barter with us.

Different stations require different goods, as soon as we bring them and unload them into the station warehouse, the station owners will be happy to exchange them for some of their own items. The course is certainly extortionate, but it's worth it.
~ Jane

Barter and Market

Since PMCs are illegal organizations they are not connected to the system-wide trading network and are not included in the economy based on reputation. However, corporations agree to exchange some items for others with PMCs. Keep in mind that the items offered by corporations have a fixed value and can be expensive. The items accepted depend on the station where the exchange takes place and may change over time. Current required items can be viewed in the station description. The game works on the principle of Supply and Demand, stations use the items they receive to produce goods, and then sell them to other stations in the system. Because of this the price of bartered items can change greatly. You can view current prices and their dynamics in the second tab of the Stock Exchange. To exchange without having to visit stations, you can enable Fast Trade in the settings.