View table: Ammos

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This table is currently read-only, while a replacement table for it is generated.

Table structure:

  1. Subtitle - String
  2. InternalName - String
  3. Item_ID - Integer
  4. Mainclass - String
  5. DamageType - Integer
  6. DamageBonus - Integer
  7. ChanceCrit - Integer
  8. ChancePierce - Integer
  9. ChanceKnock - Integer
  10. ChanceBurn - Integer
  11. ChanceToxic - Integer
  12. Price - Integer
  13. Weight - Integer
  14. StackSize - Integer
  15. Blueprint - Wikitext
  16. Receipt_ID - Integer
  17. InputItem - Wikitext
  18. ProduceTime - String
  19. OutputItem - Wikitext

This table has 0 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Subtitle InternalName Item ID Mainclass DamageType DamageBonus ChanceCrit ChancePierce ChanceKnock ChanceBurn ChanceToxic Price Weight StackSize Blueprint Receipt ID InputItem ProduceTime OutputItem