View table: StationExchangeItems

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Table structure:

  1. StationCode - String
  2. ItemName - String
  3. Cost - Integer

This table has 391 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page StationCode ItemName Cost
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AAR dataminer 250
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AAR Dragon-412 150
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AAR EMG-764 200
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AAR FGP Type-7 100
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AAR Item chip 100
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AAR m-24 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AAR MG-359 150
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ACL Antidote 80
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ACL first aid kit 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ACL Furuncle 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ACL gavvakh 250
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ACL medical glue 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ACL Sang-B 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AES cable 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AES insulating tape 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AES Item chip 150
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AES kosmos 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AES Microchip 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK Ceramic plate 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK Lamp 25
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK Lens 25
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK Poppy straw 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK Sang-B 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK spider brain 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK spider cocoon 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK spider gland 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) AKK Thermal Container 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ANC Employee ID 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ANC fighter 100
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ANC Glass Bottle 20
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ANC Mind chip 150
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ANC Thermal Container 70
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ANC Veteran 100
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARC canned food 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARC Ceramic plate 25
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARC Employee ID 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARC helper 120
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARC ledger 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG antibiotic 70
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG Crude mechanism 15
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG explosives 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG first aid kit 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG Lamp 20
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG naloxone 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG PMC ration 125
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG Rod 20
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARG Spring 15
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARS 7.97 AP 8
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARS armorer's box 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARS Flechette 12 6
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARS gunsmith's box 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARS knifemaker's box 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARS medical glue 25
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) ARS Mind chip 125
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA balaclava 20
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA Border FN-4 80
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA desert pants 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA Glory Boots 80
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA Hobo 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA Sentry Guard 80
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA slugs 12ga 6
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BSA sst-2 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BTS cable 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BTS Capacitor 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BTS Employee ID 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BTS insulating tape 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BTS Item chip 120
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BTS ledger 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) BTS Printed circuit board 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Ash-Shams Everlasting 400
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Blood Legion 400
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Mechanism parts 25
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Mukharib 450
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Nagual 450
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Nails of Pain 20
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Quasibronze 25
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL They shall be Filled 400
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Thirst of Tezctlan 400
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CBL Zulkarnain's Gaze 400
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CDB Ancient Cognac 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CDB Bay Twelve 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CDB Clan Traditions 50
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CDB kor-key juis 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CDB kosmos 70
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CDB Persie Cola 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CDB Quad Damage 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CLN armorer's box 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CLN Class chip 200
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CLN gunsmith's box 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CLN knifemaker's box 35
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CLN kosmos 60
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CLN PMC ration 200
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL Armor plate 20
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL Capacitor 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL Crude mechanism 15
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL Cutter 200
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL explosives 30
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL medical glue 40
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL metal pipe 20
Data/StationExchangeItems (edit) CPL morphine 60
