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This template defines the table "Ranged_Weapons". View table.

Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:RangedInfobox/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)


This template is used to show a ranged weapon infobox.


 |image         = Inv {{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}.png <!-- default name unless symbol is need to be added manually -->
 |Subtitle      = 
 |InternalName  = 
 |Item_ID       = <!-- for easier table shorting -->
 |Mainclass     = <!-- pistol, shotgun, smg, assault rifle, marksman rifle, machinegun, minigun, hfc, flamethrower, discthrower, launcher -->
 |Subclass      = <!-- firearm, laser, plasma, rail, toxic, quasi, cold, none -->
 |AttackMode_0  = 
 |DamageMin_0   = 
 |DamageMax_0   = 
 |DamageCrit_0  = 
 |AttackCount_0 = 
 |Accuracy_0    = 
 |Scatter_0     = 
 |AttackMode_1  = 
 |DamageMin_1   = 
 |DamageMax_1   = 
 |DamageCrit_1  = 
 |AttackCount_1 = 
 |Accuracy_1    = 
 |Scatter_1     = 
 |AttackRange   = 
 |DamageType    = <!-- for weapon with damage override -->
 |AmmoType      = 
 |MagazineCap   = 
 |ReloadTime    = 
 |Durability    = 
 |Effect        = 
 |Price         = 
 |Weight        = 
 |RepairType    = <!-- standard, energy, tool, makeshift, mercury, venus, moon -->
 |Blueprint     = <!-- item chip, workbench, stove, printer, indutrial fabricator, medical fabricator -->
 |Receipt_ID    = <!-- for easier table shorting -->
 |InputItem     = 
 |ProduceTime   = 
 |OutputItem    = 


 |name          = Nail Gun
 |image         = Inv_nail_gun.png
 |Subtitle      = Construction Tool
 |InternalName  = miner_pistol
 |Item_ID       = 001001
 |Mainclass     = {{C|Pistol}}
 |Subclass      = {{C|Rail}}
 |AttackMode_0  = Single
 |DamageMin_0   = 10
 |DamageMax_0   = 16
 |DamageCrit_0  = 150
 |AttackCount_0 = 1
 |Accuracy_0    = 20
 |Scatter_0     = 4
 |AttackMode_1  = 
 |DamageMin_1   = 
 |DamageMax_1   = 
 |DamageCrit_1  = 
 |AttackCount_1 = 
 |Accuracy_1    = 
 |Scatter_1     = 
 |AttackRange   = 3
 |DamageType    = 
 |AmmoType      = {{II|90mm Nails}} {{II|Nails of Pain}}
 |MagazineCap   = 10
 |ReloadTime    = 3
 |Durability    = 75
 |Effect        = 90% {{K|Silencer}}<br>+5% {{K|Backup Gun}}
 |Price         = 100
 |Weight        = 2
 |RepairType    = {{C|Engineer}}
 |Blueprint     = Workbench
 |Receipt_ID    = 000000
 |InputItem     = {{II|Crude Mechanism}} {{II|Spring}}
 |ProduceTime   = 0
 |OutputItem    = {{II|Rusty Parts}} {{II|Crude Mechanism}} {{II|Spring}}