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Injuries are common in combat situations. Successful attacks on the character can not only reduce health but also cause wounds. The first priority is to treat the wound. To heal wounds, it is necessary to use items with wound-fixing properties. You can use bandages, splints, or even ordinary rags for that. To obtain a rag, tear up any unnecessary clothing. The effectiveness of fixation depends on the wound and the type of item used. However, even a fixed wound has a chance of infection, so it is useful to apply antibiotic or sorbent. A fixed wound may heal over time or reopen. In the latter case, the fixation procedure needs to be repeated. Morphine allows the fixation of all current wounds for 20 turns. Prolonged use of morphine can lead to addiction. Autodocs and surgical kits allow you to immediately heal any wound. An auto-doc can fully heal any body part with a single charge. Having a sharp melee weapon in the inventory allows for the amputation procedure. Be careful! Amputating certain body parts is fatal.


Some wounds can become infected. To prevent this, use sorbent or antibiotic.


Amputations are the most severe type of injury. It can't be healed, only stabilized, temporarily removing damage over time but not the unpleasant effects. Some body parts are tied to each other: hip and foot, shoulder and arm. When amputating the upper part of the body, the lower adjacent part is also amputated. The vital parts of the body are the head, chest, body, and stomach. Their amputation leads to instant death.