Feathered Masks

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Feathered Masks

Are you one of the mistress's servants?


This is an order of taltnoms who are waging war against Tezctlan. Their leader Xiomara declares their goal: the murder of King of Gannix. Once, after the disappearance of Tezctlan on the Earth, she took control of Gannix. At her management, the bramfatura of Venus became a haven for free and rebellious spirits. The current claims of the returned Tezctlan to build the Emerald Empire run counter to Xiomara's ideals. The taltnoms that loyal to Xiomara now is united into the Feathered Masks Order. They are fighting against Tezctlan and the quasimorphs subservient to him. To do this, they rooted in physical reality. This automatically drag them in the faction war throughout the System.

