Weapons and Armor

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Now you need to gather your equipment. Take whatever you deem necessary, but don't forget ammo, food, and medical supplies...
~ Frank

In the areas where your PMC operates, there is always an abundance of weapons. Each type of ranged weapon has its own type of ammunitions and different rates of fire. Acquaint yourself with not only the characteristics of the weapons but also the ammunition, many of them have special effects.

In addition to the usual damage types, there are also composite types: explosive (blunt and piercing) and plasma (cutting and fire). The appropriate lowest value of two armor attributes protects against it.

Over time weapons may break. You can always disassemble weapons you don't use into spare parts. You can repair the weapons you use with these parts. Same goes for armor. Cloth can be disassembled into rags. Fabric is necessary for wound fixation as well as for repairing other cloth and backpacks. Broken weapons cannot be used and broken armor does not provide damage resistance. Your items will spill out every turn if the backpack or the vest holding them are broken.

Accuracy, dodge, and armor damage reduction have upper caps and bonuses for exceeding them. If the accuracy becomes more than 100%, then every 10% above increases the chance of a critical hit by 1%, after which the accuracy decreases to 95%. If the dodge becomes more than 100%, then every 10% above will reduce the chance of getting a wound by 1%, after which the dodge is reduced to 95%. Armor cannot reduce incoming damage by more than 95% of its value.

Weapon range and character range

Weapon range indicates the optimal operating range of the weapon. If the enemy is outside of it then the additional properties of the weapon will not work and for each tile beyond the range the damage received will be reduced. The character's range shows the range of vision.

Equipment and repairs

Weapons and armor wear down over time. Weapons have a tendency to break with regular and active use. To repair them, you can disassemble other unnecessary weaponry or use a repair kit. If you repair them using various spare parts rather than specialized equipment then with each repair their maximum condition will decrease. Because of this makeshift weapons made from garbage can become completely unusable. At the same time the maximum possible durability of any other weapon cannot fall below a certain threshold, on average around 20% of the pristine maximum value.

Shift and Ctrl in inventory

Moving an item while holding Shift will transfer all items of that type. If you hold down Ctrl and left-click on an item, it will be transferred from or to the inventory.

Weapons Properties

Add. damaging elements

Weapons with the Add. damaging elements property will deal damage to everyone standing next to a cover destroyed by it.

Add. knockback range

Weapons with the Add. knockback range property push away the target they hit further than any other weapon.

Amputation due to injury

Weapons with Amputation due to injury property have an increased chance of causing amputation as a wound.


Weapons with the Silencer property have a chance of not attracting the attention of nearby enemies when fired.

Pain Damage

Weapons with the Pain Damage property increase damage to the pain threshold.

Severe fractures

Fracture wounds inflicted by weapons with the Severe Fractures property have increased damage.

Severe bleeding

Bleeding wounds inflicted by weapons with the Severe Bleeding property have increased damage.

Attacks nearby

Weapons with the Attacks nearby property also strike the left and right tiles closest to the player on both sides of the target.

Ammo Propeties

Pierce Chance

Ammo with the Pierce Chance property has a chance to pass through an obstacle, be it cover or an enemy, and hit the target behind it.

Pollution Chance

Ammo with the Pollution Chance property has a chance to leave behind a dangerous tile of the corresponding type.

Throwing weapons

If you left-click on an enemy at a distance while holding a melee weapon the clone will throw that weapon at the target. The maximum range of melee weapons is 5 tiles starting from the clone tile.

Accurate throw

Throwing a weapon with the Accurate Throw property will always hit the target.

Piercing Throw

When thrown, weapons with the Piercing Throw property can pass through a target and cause damage to targets behind it.