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You're reading this because after you woke up in the bioprinter, your memory failed again. Keep your composure. There's a series of texts ahead that will restore your memory by the end of the reading. Soon you will be going on a mission, enjoy your moment of peace.

Quasimorphosis began with space exploration.

"Automated stations on Mercury operated without any problems for two decades. Deserted Mars quickly turned into an analog of the Wild West. The real problems began on the Moon.

Sunlight Coven lost contact with one of their colonies. Security operatives sent there disappeared without a trace. The corporation sent mercenaries from PMC "Snake Squad" to the colony.

The mercenaries did their job well. All the inhabitants of the station were destroyed. Leaks from Sunlight Coven made it into the public domain that the station's personnel overnight became a sinister cult."

Remember, the Great Anarchist Revolution is the reason humanity flourished. Thanks to the GAR, Venus, Mars, Pluto, Mercury, and some of Jupiter's moons are habitable. We would never have achieved this if we had remained under state oppression.

The Great Anarchist Revolution began with the bombing of Geneva...

"After a series of military conflicts, in 2099 the States decided to re-establish the UN with the powers of an Earth government.

The largest corporations applied to join the new UN with the same rights as the States. They were denied. In November 2099, RealWare Corporation's complex "Day of Fire" launched a thermonuclear strike on Geneva, where the UN headquarters was located.

The private armies used by the states found themselves re-bought by six major corporations who declared themselves the Hexarchy, the leaders of the Revolution. Thus began the struggle for the liberation of mankind."

We warn you against joining PMCs! Their actions are often aimed at the benefit of one or another market agent. It is only rarely possible to prove the connection between PMCs and corporations. However, we are sure that PMCs do not violate the Ancap balance.

PMCs started with corporations.

"The non-aggression principle states that anyone who uses violence becomes a public enemy. Violence against a public enemy is not considered a violation of the non-aggression principle.

So corporations accustomed to reaping where they didn't sow. Wherever there is a need for rough work, or as the employees of the Franche-Comte corporation put it "Action directe" - PMCs appear everywhere.

Of course, all PMCs are public enemies. But corporations prefer to keep wolves on a lead, rather than get rid of them. Especially since in space corporations now have another enemy - The Civil Resistance, a group of terrorists who dream of returning people to the state slavery."

The New Corporate Ethic is a set of principles by which free market agents must live to avoid violence and lead humanity to prosperity.

The New Corporate Ethics began with the principle of non-aggression.

"After the victory of the Great Anarchist Revolution, the Hexarchy declared this principle to be the only law for some time.

After Grasshopper Technologies' security team used nerve gas on Ceres to suppress a workers' strike in 2101, it became clear that clarification was needed.

Thus arose the New Corporate Ethics. A set of guidelines on how to act in the Solar System without becoming an enemy of the people. The strike was recognized as a breach of contract and therefore a violation of the non-aggression principle, while the actions of Grasshopper Technologies were recognized as entirely appropriate."

People, corporations and other associations are free market agents. There are no more citizens. Everyone in the Solar System is free from government slavery.

Space exploration began with corporations.

"At the end of the 21st century, the wealth of corporations equaled the budgets of states. And as nations became mired in wars, corporations left them behind.

The first settlements on the Moon, terraforming installations on Venus, the founding of Intercity on Mars - all these are the achievements of corporations. Even then it became clear that free market agents were far more efficient than government slaves.

When the Great Anarchist Revolution began, corporate-owned space unleashed its full power on Earth. The victory was swift and decisive."

Quasimorphosis is the transformation of the non-physical into the physical.

The Universe consists of two components.

"Physical reality and non-physical reality. Dr. Eipschwitz's protocols show that quasimorphs call the non-physical reality "pleroma".

Near massive objects, the pleroma is denser. That is why the planets have bramfaturas. Clots of non-physical "matter". And bramfaturas are inhabited by quasimorphs. Therefore, in interplanetary space, the phenomenon of quasimorphosis is minimal.

Quasimorphosis has no physical cause. There are no bacteria or viruses in the organisms of the possessed humans. EEG readings and CAT scans show there's nothing wrong with their brains. But they're possessed."

One of Dr. Manning's last notes.

Quasimorphs don't know how to move between bramfaturas.

"Or they require too much energy to do so. Within their bramfaturas, they can act in almost any way they want. They can also influence physical reality. Ultimately, they use humans to invade our world.

There is something missing in the pleroma that is pure energy to the quasimorphs. Dr. Eipschwitz's reports use the word "gavvakh". Humans seem to be the only source of gavvakh in the universe. 'Gavvakh leaves your bodies along with blood and suffering, and we become stronger.'"