Template:GrenadeAndMine Infobox/doc

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This template is used to show a Grenade or Mine infobox.


 |image            = Inv {{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}.png <!-- default name unless symbol is need to be added manually -->
 |Subtitle         = 
 |InternalName     = 
 |Item_ID          = <!-- for easier table sorting -->
 |WeaponType       = <!-- grenade, mine -->

 <!-- Stats main -->
 |ExplosionRadius     = 
 |MaxStack            = 
 |ArmingTime          = 
 |Damage              = 
 |DamageType          = 
 |Price               =
 |Weight              = 

 <!-- Stats Other -->
 |WoundChance         = 
 |ThrowbackChance     = 
 |StunChance          = 
 |StunDuration        = 
 |PropagateFireChance = 
 |LargeFireChance     = 
 |Ricochet            = 
 |FireDependOnRadius  = 
 |PropagateLiquid     = 
 |LiquidType          = 

 <!-- Crafting -->
 |Blueprint     = <!-- item chip, workbench, stove, printer, indutrial fabricator, medical fabricator -->
 |Receipt_ID    = <!-- for easier table sorting -->
 |InputItem     = 
 |ProduceTime   = 
 |OutputItem    = 


 |image               = Inv {{lc:{{PAGENAME}}}}.png
 |Subtitle            = Test
 |Item_ID             = 002001
 |InternalName        = frag_grenade
 |WeaponType          = Grenade
 |ExplosionRadius     = 3
 |MaxStack            = 3
 |ArmingTime          = 2
 |Damage              = 75
 |DamageType          = Explosion
 |Price               = 100
 |Weight              = 0.3
 |WoundChance         = 70
 |ThrowbackChance     = 50
 |StunChance          = 0
 |StunDuration        = 0
 |PropagateFireChance = 5
 |LargeFireChance     = 10
 |Ricochet            = true
 |FireDependOnRadius  = true
 |PropagateLiquid     = false
 |LiquidType          = Red

 |Blueprint     = {{Item|Basic Item Chip}}
 |Receipt_ID    = 000237
 |InputItem     = {{II|Tin}} {{II|90mm Nails}} {{II|Explosives}}
 |ProduceTime   = 16
 |OutputItem    = {{II|Tin}} {{II|90mm Nails}} {{II|Explosives}}